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Social Media Toolkit

Everything you need to get the word out!

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Write Your Message

Copy and paste the text below. Feel free to make it your own!

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For LinkedIn and Facebook

(General/All Tracks)

I’m ready to connect, learn, and collaborate in a whole new way. Join me at #ISAFallSummit for the chance to brainstorm hot topics, learn from engaging speakers, meet new peers in the industry, and connect with old friends. Can’t wait for Nov 30 – Dec 2. Learn more and register at

(Women in Industry Track)

I’m ready to lead with intention and power up my potential at ISA Women in Industry #FallSummit! Join me Nov 30 – Dec 2 in Orlando, FL, to learn from inspiring speakers, collaborate with other women within the channel, and enhance your personal and professional development. Learn more and register at

(SalesWerks Track)

I’m ready to align on goals and make a solid business plan for next year at the ISA SalesWerks #FallSummit! Join me Nov 30 – Dec 2 in Orlando, FL, to learn how to professionalize the planning process, maximize traction, collaboratively align expectations with my [IMR/Manufacturer], and develop sales goals together as a team. Learn more and join me at

(General/All Tracks)

Counting down the days until #ISAFallSummit! Can’t wait to gather with other members of the channel in the Orlando, FL for professional and personal development, networking opportunities, and a whole lot of fun. Learn more and register to join me Nov 30 – Dec 2 at

(Emerging Leaders Track)

I’m ready to expand my network and gain the tools needed to make a difference in my company at ISA’s Emerging Leaders #FallSummit! Join me Nov 30 – Dec 2 in Orlando, FL, for industry specific/channel-focused training, to connect with new peers in the industry, and to gain the knowledge needed to think like a leader. Learn more and join me at


[Company name] is proud to be a partner of the Industrial Supply Association as a sponsor of the upcoming #FallSummit where all 3 ISA Networks (Women in Industry, Emerging Leaders and SalesWerks) will unite for 3 days of professional and personal development.  Learn more and join us in sunny Orlando, FL Nov 30 – Dec 2:

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For Twitter

(General/All Tracks)

I’m ready to connect, learn, and collaborate! Can’t wait for the #ISAFallSummit happening Nov 30 – Dec 2 in Orlando, FL. 2022. Learn more and join me:

(Women in Industry Track)

I’m ready to lead with intention & power up my potential at the ISA #WomenInIndustry #FallSummit! Join me Nov 30–Dec 2 in Orlando, FL to learn, collaborate with other women in the #IndustrialSupply Channel & enhance your personal & professional development.

(SalesWerks Track)

I’m ready to make a solid business plan for next year at the ISA #SalesWerks #FallSummit! Join me Nov 30 – Dec 2 in Orlando, FL to learn how to professionalize the planning process, collaboratively align expectations, and develop sales goals as a team.

(General/All Tracks)

Counting down the days until #ISAFallSummit! I’m ready to connect, learn, and collaborate with other members of the #IndustrialSupply Channel in Orlando, FL Nov 30 – Dec 2, 2022. Learn more and join me:

(Emerging Leaders Track)

I’m ready to expand my network and gain the tools needed to make a difference in my company at ISA’s #EmergingLeaders #FallSummit! Join me Nov 30 – Dec 2 in Orlando, FL, for industry specific/channel-focused training, networking, fun, and so much more.


Proud to partner with @ISAssoc as a sponsor of the #FallSummit where 3 ISA Networks (#WomenInIndustry, #EmergingLeaders & #SalesWerks) will unite for 3 days of professional & personal development. Learn more and join us in Orlando, FL, Nov 30–Dec 2:

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Choose Your Graphic

Right click to save the image to your computer. Then upload into your post!

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1-black1 23 45 6 7 8 Check Triangle1 Triangle2 Triangle3 TrigonTrigon2icon/remove xIconCreated with Sketch. IconCreated with Sketch. elcc-polygon enroll-lineXCreated with Sketch. XCreated with Sketch. facebook ShapeCreated with Sketch. instagram isa24-blue-curveisa24_background lesson1 lesson2 lesson3 lesson4 lesson5 lesson6 lesson7 lesson8 linkedin Group 3preparing-line preparing-line2printer search separator triangle-downTwitterCreated with Sketch. twitterX youtube